RESEARCH STATEMENT JIRILEBL 1. Introduction and research philosophy My primary interests lie
research statement algebraic geometry . in CR geometry has also led me to study problems in real and complex algebraic geometry .
R ESEARCH S TATEMENT 1 R. G ARCIA Research Statement My current research interests are in computational commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, algebraic combinatorics and .
RESEARCH STATEMENT LAURAL. HALL-SEELIG 1. Mathematical Research My primary research interests are in the eld of . intersection between algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry: the .
Kenneth Ward Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry 420 Mathematical Sciences kward@math.okstate.edu Curriculum vitae Research statement Teaching statement
RESEARCH STATEMENT Brian Osserman Although my research spans a wide range of topics in algebraic geometry, my various projects are nonetheless heavily interconnected.
RESEARCH STATEMENT CHRISLOMONT Primary Interests: Quantum computation, algebraic geometry, computational complexity I am interested in the interplay between mathematics .
. will be considered, we will pay special attention to the algebra/algebraic geometry/combinatorics category. An application should include curriculum vita, research statement .
For descriptions of the current projects listed below, please see my research statement. . Homotopical Group Theory and Topological Algebraic Geometry: a conference in honor of .
Extended Research Statement 1 Why Derived Algebraic Geometry? View Now University of Michigan-Department of Mathematics View Now Lecture III.
RESEARCH STATEMENT Ivan Soprunov http://www.math. umass.edu/�isoprou My
research is in combinatorial and computational algebraic geometry. I ampartic-ularlyinterested in toric .
Since 1973, most of the research on this subject is devoted . In parallel with the abstract trend of the algebraic geometry, which is concerned with general statements about .
RESEARCH STATEMENT JAMESM. BELK Introduction My research interests include group theory, dynamical systems, geometry, and topology. . geometry, algebraic topology, .
Research Statement. Teaching Statement. Papers: "A Complete Arithmetic-Geometric Mean . Developments in Algebraic Geometry: Symposium to Honor David Mumford on the Occasion research statement algebraic geometry .
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