META TAG DEFINITION META tags are special HTML tags that allow the creator or editor of a web page to give information about the document that is
meta tags wiki document
not displayed in the browser .
Meta tags allow users to extract some meta information . Document_Subject Summary Information: Subject Document . Retrieved from "http://www.den4b.com/wiki/ReNamer:Meta_Tags"
Please feel free to add more to this wiki page. Summary . The meta tag, specifically http-equiv Content . given for why it is beneficial meta tags wiki document to leave the pragma directive in the document .
Extension tag for adding a custom description to the document header. . Once installed, editors of your wiki can add a description tag by adding .
Een metatag is een veld in een document dat specifieke metadata bevat. Een document kan doorgaans meerdere metatags bevatten, die informatie geven over het document.
Retrieved from "http://wiki.typo3.org/wiki/index.php?title=Faq/Meta_Tags&oldid=51050" . Document matrix; Tags; Wiki-Teams + Association-Events; BugDay; Core Team V4; Documentation Team
Configuring Meta Tags for Facebook Share. Adding Facebook Share . top.location !=
location) { top.location.href = document . Retrieved from "http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index .
From MODx Wiki . TV in my template to use the default MODx META-Tag . MODx replaces the opening tag in an HTML document by doing .
In this example, the meta element identifies itself as containing the 'keywords' relevant to the document, Wikipedia and encyclopedia. Meta tags can be used to indicate the location .
. .NET Heute (RSS-Suche) � AspxFiles (Wiki) � .NET Blogs . da� man beim Erstellen einer Homepage nicht immer Zeit findet, bei jedem Dokument die Meta-Tags .
Im Dokument selbst. So ist in einem Buch stets auch der Autor und das Erscheinungsjahr . von Metadaten sind einfache Attribut/Wert-Kombinationen (z. B. HTML-Meta-Tags) oder .
Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata. The
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